Post 3 >> Academic challenges in 2022

Hi guys, I had not told you that I study biochemistry at the University of Chile, and today I come to tell you about some changes that I would like to be made in my faculty and in the curriculum of my career.

First I will describe a little bit the infraestructure of my faculty, there are some buildings that are new, but others are quite old, and I would like to make some changes to them to make them more technological, so that the study is more striking and exciting. For example, they could add more powerful lights to the library, tables with power and internet plugs, more computers, and distribute the library in such a way that there are different spaces, that is, a totally silent space, another where the noise is moderate, and another where there are no restrictions (neither to talk nor to eat). There are some of the things that I have seen and experienced in other faculties of my university, so It is nor something that is impossible to achieve.

As for my curriculum, I find that it is quite good, except for the fourth semester, because it has a very large academic load, there are 7 curses, and 2 of those are very tiring, so I would like that for future students could reorder the courses of general education and / or English, wich are not dense, but still require time that one could devote to the other courses.

And I think that the number of years that my career lasts is crazy, but It is supe good anyway, because even in that time you can´t learn everthing you need to be a competent biochemist. 

Bye bye <3


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